View Full Version : Carroll Shelby Tribute By KCC

May 12th, 2012, 06:42 AM
http://www.kentuckycobraclub.com/files/Shellby_Tribute.jpg (http://www.kentuckycobraclub.com/node/1522)

May 16th, 2012, 11:03 AM
Carroll Shelby, The Golden Age of Motor Racing
Tom Kirkham, of Kirkham Motorcars posted this wonderfiul YouTube video on Club Cobra. Most of you have not seen it, it is spectacular. A great look into the mind and times of Carroll Shelby at the top of his game. Click on the Video Below and Enjoy

http://www.kentuckycobraclub.com/files/Golden-Years.jpg (http://www.kentuckycobraclub.com/node/1522)

Jim Harding
May 16th, 2012, 04:58 PM
Thanks for posting that link Juan, great flick.

May 18th, 2012, 09:59 AM
Maybe with his passing some of the credit due the replica car industry will come forward without the attendant lawsuits that CS was well known for. Without the replica car industry he would have been all but forgotten and the prices of the original cobras would not have reached such astromomical prices. Companies like Unique have fought these battles for us and have persisted for 35 years. Be thankful for them..

May 18th, 2012, 10:24 AM
Ralph, I appreciate the thoughts behind your words, the legacy is what matters. We each hold our thoughts close to our hearts, and whatever direction they may take us in. The Kentucky Cobra Club is paying tribute to the Genesis of what we all fell for, the shape that was brought into our Psyche in the 60's, and brought you and the rest of us in contact with each other. We all make mistakes and have our failings, at KCC we do not judge that.

Heck when is time for stone throwing, I better duck, cause I am not without my share of faults. Plenty coming my way I suppose.

The analogy I can make is this, to me the Cobra is like a great movie, with great actors in it. Hell, I like all of Jack Nicholson's, and Mel Gibson movies but I don't have to like their personal lives. If you ask the people that deal with each of them on a personal level you are going to come out with a distaste for their character and a thought that they may be difficult to live and deal with. If you still don't like them that much, don't watch their movies.

I rather just like their Movies just like I just love the Cobras not necessarily the guy who coined the name, Carroll Shelby had people that knew him on that level, I didn't have to.

Enjoy your Movie, I mean your Cobra, the feeling is a "REAL ONE".

May 18th, 2012, 01:57 PM
I could not agree more with you "just like I just love the Cobras not necessarily the guy who coined the name," I feel that in any look at the legacy of a man one must see more than one side for it to be balanced. Carroll had a choice in how he was to be remembered as we do as well. He caused a lot of stress and heartbreak out there as well as his enrichment of the racing world with the fantastic cars he brought to the race tracks. A replica of which I am proud to own.

Hope you and yours are doing well