View Full Version : Nice Weather for a drive

February 18th, 2011, 10:36 PM
It was such a nice day that I could not take it any longer Broke the car out to see if there was still blood flowing through these veins. Yes, I still have a pulse and this thing makes it race. What a fun drive and the car ran great. My wife was shaking her head as I pulled into the drive and I was grinning from ear to ear as I hit the throttle a few times. After 2 yrs this thing still makes me smile like the first day I drove it. Let me tell you something feeling this thing kick me in the pants never gets old. :banana:

Full tank of gas, beautiful weekend expected and itchy right foot, I might have to do this one more time before Monday. :3g:

February 18th, 2011, 11:01 PM
Sounds mighty nice:3g:!

Enjoy, and be safe...

February 21st, 2011, 07:02 AM
I took mine out last week and invited a good friend along for the ride. When he told his wife what he was doing, her comment was, "Oh, I guess it's HAPPY HOUR for you guys!" She was right!


February 21st, 2011, 12:57 PM
I just snowblew 6 " of snow off the driveway this morning. I afraid there will be many weeks of winter up here in New Jersey. But - Thunder is waiting in the trailer and that says alot to me. I love hearing their are more Cobra folks that are still crazy about their cars. I'm coming up on 6 years now - and none of the original feeling have changed. I hope I have this car for life!
Hurry up Springtime!

February 22nd, 2011, 09:24 PM
Dave, the North East is experiencing a brutal winter this year. Lets hope spring is just around the corner. The south is currently in a major warming trend but I am sure it will end soon. Spring will be here before you know it.


February 23rd, 2011, 07:13 AM
Same here guys. When I'm in my cobra, I don't think you could remove the smile with a big stick. Last weekend was really nice on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Had an enjoyable ride along the 26 miles of beach. Can't wait for Spring weather. Drive safe. Gary