View Full Version : Server issue?

September 25th, 2010, 06:31 PM
Site's been acting oddly for the last day:confused:... anyone else noticing that?

November 2nd, 2010, 01:30 PM
Yep, it shows 180 new posts since I was last online. Tried to PM someone yesterday and was told I had to wait over 2,500,000 seconds to try again. had an e-mail today say I hadn't been on the site in a long time.:confused:

November 2nd, 2010, 01:46 PM
I e-mailed Patrick, he said that the date was off on the server and that he fixed it. should be OK now.

November 2nd, 2010, 04:34 PM
I'm still seeing some weird stuff guys. I'm working on it.

November 2nd, 2010, 10:54 PM
Thanks Patrick[thumb]! Let us know what happened...