View Full Version : Build Website

Bill D
March 3rd, 2009, 06:33 PM
Today, I started my build website in preparation for my build later this year. Just had to get it started. Not much to look at yet, but that will change once I order my kit.

If anyone has a 289FIA car they would like me to oad onto my website, feel free to send me pics to my email address.



March 25th, 2009, 08:46 AM
Looking forward to seeing your build, Bill.....congrats, for me the 289 model is what Cobras are all about, I like that "lean and mean" look they have. Have seen Justin Upchurch's 289FIA up close, Uniques are a nice product and a fairly straightforward build, from all appearances.

BTW, you spoke of your RCR40 in the past tense in your bio info on this website, mentioned you sold it to finance this build, is that so? It was perhaps the most pristine 40 build I've ever followed, if you sold it that must have been a hard decision.

Be seein' ya around here, too, amigo!

{Edit--I tried to sign your guestbook, Bill....not sure I was successful, the email verification was from a racing organization link.}

Cheers from YerDugliness

March 25th, 2009, 01:41 PM
I have struggled with wanting to building a coupe or a GT40 but have to say the fun and ease of driving a roadster is unbeatable.

If I was racing I would go for the 40 or the coupe.

Nice website,

Bill D
March 25th, 2009, 03:58 PM
I hope to place an order later this year. And yes, you signed the guestbook on my website.

I'm really excited about building a very period correct 289FIA