View Full Version : The Revolution

May 28th, 2007, 09:07 AM
In keeping with our colonial heritage here in Eastern Pennsylvania, and to blow our own horn some, I gotta post the upcoming - as in this Saturday, June 2 - Cobra Revolution.

A real lowbrow event, gets about 40 to 50 Cobras of all makes, with a fine cruise to cap it off. Even have good barbeque to gnaw on.

Held every year on this weekend, at the Washington's Crossing State Park, Pennsy side, begins around 10 and runs till......well, whenever you want, basically. This'll get you to the site: http://www.midatlanticcobras.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=590

May 28th, 2007, 09:11 AM
Sounds like GOOD TIME. Hope to make it next year.