View Full Version : Summer Run Lake Geogre

Jeff 427
May 25th, 2007, 11:34 AM
There is a "Summer Run" planned in Lake George, NY on July 13,14 and 15.

Go to www.upstatecobras.net for some of the details.

If any of you don't know the area, Lake George is set in the heart of the beautiful Adirondack Mountains in Upstate NY. I think Alan is familar with the area and can tell you some thing about it. The lake itself is crystal clear and about 32 miles long, very picturesque to say the least!! The many twisting roads are great for cruising with a Cobra!! If you plan on staying for a while, Lots of Stuff to do!!!

Last year there were about 50 Cobras (mine was not there.... but it will be this year!!) I sure would like to have some other Uniques with me!!!

Hey Paul, are you going to make it?

May 25th, 2007, 11:48 PM
It depends on how things go with the building process... I certainly hope so:D :D! It sounds like a lot of fun.

How are you coming on your build? Last time we talked you seemed close:shift:. Photos?

Jeff 427
June 21st, 2007, 11:30 AM
Just bringing this back to the top.

About 3 weeks to the Summer Run!!

Any other Unique's (beside me) going to the run? I hope..... Yes!!

June 21st, 2007, 11:50 AM
This is an excellent event. I went last year, and you're right - some great scenic roads all through the Lake George area. And plenty of places to go nearby if you want to do a bit of your own thing. Still trying to figure out whether I can make it again this year.

June 22nd, 2007, 03:34 AM
I can't make it this year due to my work schedule. Hopefully we can get together sometime this fall and take a cruise around the ADRK. MTS. I know some nice roads we can take.
