View Full Version : Pigeon Forge Photos

September 9th, 2006, 07:46 PM
Hi Folks,

My wife and I had a wonderful time at Pigeon Forge. This was the first time for us in our new 289. As always the company is great and the cruises to breakfast were superb. I could go on and on about the trip but I will rather post some photos for those of you that were not able to attend.

In case you are wondering who that person is that was caughy napping as shown in the two photos below, that would be Will Butterworth demonstrating one of the top ten reasons why people go to Shades of the Past in Pigeon Forge.

We are already making plans for next year.

Enjoy the photos.


September 10th, 2006, 04:32 AM
Thanks Jaun , pictures are great. looks like some new cars in the shots that i don't reconize. looks like great fun as always, and the cars look great.
Thanks again, glenn

September 10th, 2006, 08:32 AM
I was going to post more photos but until Patrick gives me more space for images I will have to wait.

Stay tuned for more.


September 10th, 2006, 05:55 PM
Nice pics Juan.
Hi Glenn. Have you had much time for cruisin'?
When do you want to get together for a cruise?
Throw a date out and let's make it happen.:shift:

September 11th, 2006, 04:43 AM
Hi Tony, doing a few local cruise -ins and short day trips. Next couple weekends are tied up. How about Oct. 7,8 weekend? maybe we can meet half way. I'd like that maybe round up afew other guys to join in. Let me know. Take care Glenn

September 11th, 2006, 05:52 AM
Has anyone talked to Donnie and Debbie Thomas lately, they should be up to a cruise.


will butterworth
September 11th, 2006, 06:59 AM
not fair, man taking a nap,totally exposed, don,t reckon professor Vernon Von Studebaker can help me out of this one.Good pictures, thanks. Best trip so far, breakfast drives--awesome--good food , laughs a plenty, tennessee country side, so pretty. Just a wonderful bunch of folks. Will-alabama

September 11th, 2006, 08:37 AM
My First Shades of the Past with my car, and it was worth the wait. Breakfast cruises were great , weather was perfect , Food was wonderful. The shimp boil was the best I have ever had!!!

Learned a lesson though don't let two old guys in a '36 Pick a race at a red light, (Mr. Blue light was watching the whole thing.)Luckly He didn't see the need to stop us.
I let the '36 have that one.

Looking foward to the next Cruise.


September 11th, 2006, 09:29 AM

I thought for sure somebody was going to get busted in that drag race. Glad you guys did not.

It was nice to finaly meet you. Looking forward to riding with you someday.


September 11th, 2006, 10:26 AM
Crazy old men, Right On.

will butterworth
September 11th, 2006, 11:40 AM
Zach and I got in tiff with two smart---fellows in a catera, pasted them--open road , no contest, uneventful otherwise. Will-alabama

September 11th, 2006, 02:36 PM
Now Will, I would have bet dollars to dounuts you were doing some advanced undercover work for the professor...... not taking a nap!!!

Looks like a great time from the posts I've read. Gotta get back there for that event one of these days.

September 11th, 2006, 06:45 PM
A really great time indeed! Breakfast runs to Townsend & Cosby were both great, with twisty roads, great view of the countryside & mountains, and great food! (Fried apple pie for breakfast - what could be better?!?)

For all of you in the Southeast - if you haven't driven the Cherohala Skyway on a cool early-fall morning, you haven't truly experienced your Cobra! We drove both the Skyway and the Tail of the Dragon on the way up. The Dragon is great, and I can now say that I've done it; drive it if you want to test your driving skills.

But, the Cherohala - WOW!!! It tops out somewhere around 5600 ft. in altitude, has next to no traffic, and is absolutely out of this world. My comment to several folks was that it was as close to driving in the mountains out West as you could get in this part of the country - up above the haze & overcast, into a blue sky so brilliant that your eyes hurt even with sunglasses. There are plenty of curves, but they're nice, sweeping ones - your car will be happy to spend most of the trip in 3rd gear, with plenty of cool mountain air to keep your engine & cooling system unstressed.

We logged somewhere around 750+ miles over our 4 day trip, and I'm wearing my sunglasses-induced "racoon" suntan with pride!

Now...someone mentioned a Fall Foliage run to Lynchburg, TN.... please, please don't plan it for October 14! Mom & Dad are out of town then, and I've got to help with a car show sponsored by my employer - which will look bad if I were to try to skip out!!

will butterworth
September 13th, 2006, 12:04 PM
pictures can be seen at this ----killboy.com----and go to 9/7/06 and see me and Zach,s cars on dragon.Motorcycle folks are biggie here. Don,t have our date up yet.Will-alabama

September 13th, 2006, 02:38 PM

I looked but couldn't find 9/7/2006 :confused:

September 13th, 2006, 05:17 PM
Yeah, I've been checking nearly every hour on the hour for the photos to be posted on both killboy.com and zeefoto.com, as both groups were out making pics. It's all I can do to wait patiently!

Actually some very innovative ideas those guys came up with: both of these still photo groups taking pics, plus, over at the Crossroads of Time you could pay $60, and a rider/videographer would follow you on a GoldWing through the Dragon, filming you with 3 separate cameras mounted on the bike. We watched some of the footage, and it was quite impressive!

Everyone talks about seeing the dam there that Harrison Ford's character jumps off of in "The Fugitive." The whole area with Cheoah & Calderwood Dams, the gorge, etc. actually reminded me of another Harrison Ford movie: "Force 10 from Navarrone." 'Specially with all the bikers in der German helmets! :)

September 13th, 2006, 07:49 PM
On zeefoto.com...

Thumbnails are at the following addy:


September 13th, 2006, 08:21 PM
Thanks, Zach.

Very, very cool pictures!!! Nice for the family photo album - and awesome looking cars. I probably won't ever have the opportunity to drive on the "Tail of the Dragon"..... I'm extremely envious!

will butterworth
September 14th, 2006, 06:58 AM
Don,t have pictures up yet at killboy.com, but will soon. Zach found at zeefoto.com. When you go to killboy be sure to look at tail of dragon site, and scroll to discussion for cherohala trail, took 26 yrs. to build, one-hundred-million bucks to build. Federal money, local delegation told appropriation committee there would be one million cars per day on road---car a minute and more, well, we saw very few cars but awesome ride, best trip all around to pigeon forge for us. Breakfast runs are fun, go fri. am, and sat. To apple orchard sat. am then back thr. tenn. countryside, Tony, lives in area and knows good back roads thr. countryside--cross creeks, turnbacks ,twisties, about 15 to 20 cars in line , thr. old tobacco farms, absolutely the best ride you could dream of.Congrats. again on your win at show. Will-alabama

will butterworth
September 14th, 2006, 07:36 AM
are up-killboy.com ,thurs. 9/6/06 cars. Not as good as zeefoto. Zach looks pretty good.Don,t know how he got that arm up though, or how they got these addresses, all I could do to stay in road and out of the way of bikes and other cars. Will-alabama

September 14th, 2006, 08:00 AM
Take a look at these shots from the Tail of the Dragon.