View Full Version : Clutch fixed

August 16th, 2006, 08:45 AM
Life is good again. Apparently, my sticking clutch issue was an easy (read: inexpensive) fix of the slave cylinder and/or pushrod. Took it out for a quick spin through town last night. Easily lit-up the tires from a rolling 40 in first gear. Oh yeah. My wife keeps asking me when I'm gonna grow up.

August 16th, 2006, 08:51 PM
That's great news. Tell your wife - NEVER. I'm always telling folks, "I wish I could make my wife scream half as much as I do when I stand on the gas pedal of the Cobra!"

August 17th, 2006, 06:55 AM
Nature says you have to grow older.....it says nothing about growing up.

Phil Souza

August 17th, 2006, 09:02 AM
Oh yeah. My wife keeps asking me when I'm gonna grow up.

As I advise my significant other, "Plenty of time for that later."

Glad you got the beast back on the road!

August 17th, 2006, 10:22 AM
So I'm driving down I-20 the other night in the F-350 (turbo-diesel, crew-cab, gigantic) with the wife beside me. There's this young kid in the lane next to me with a brand new Ram 1500, two-door. And I mean brand new. Mine's a 1997 with plenty of "patina".

I'm puposely pacing him with the diesel roaring next to his open window. So I waited. Didn't take long. I hear his aftermarket exhaust kick in and I floor it. Poor kid thought he was actually gonna pull away from me. My wife just shook her head as I laughed out loud. I'm such a kid.

Hey, if ya can't have fun, what CAN ya do?

August 17th, 2006, 12:35 PM
Known as the "Peter Pan Syndrome" - "Never wanna grow up ... Never wanna grow old .. Never wanna die". To the best of my knowledge these were the song lyrics in the original movie. Words to live by.
When I was a serious autocrosser, I approached one of the finest drivers in Central PA. I asked how he was running so fast - why he had no serious competition. His advise was simple - "To become very good at what ever you are doing in life you've got to hang out your nads from time to time." "To put it all at risk". "To go into the turn too fast - on a bad line - and then fight like hell to save it. That's how you learn"

Stay Sport Minded - Geary