View Full Version : A Good Read.

August 2nd, 2004, 08:12 AM
No matter what your views on President Bush's statement of upcoming war, this, from an English journalist, is very interesting. Just a word of background for those of you who aren't familiar with the UK's Daily Mirror. This is a notoriouslyleft-wing daily that is normally not supportive of the Colonials across the Atlantic.

Tony Parsons ... Daily Mirror . September 11, 2002

One year ago, the world witnessed a unique kind of broadcasting -- the mass
murder of thousands, live on television. As a lesson in the pitiless cruelty of the human race, September 11 was up there with Pol Pot's Mountain of Skulls in Cambodia, or the skeletal bodies stacked like garbage in the Nazi concentration camps. An unspeakable act so cruel, so calculated and so utterly merciless that surely the world could agree on one thing -- nobody deserves this fate. Surely there could be consensus: The victims were truly innocent, the perpetrators truly evil.

But to the world's eternal shame, 9/11 is increasingly seen as America's
comeuppance. Incredibly, anti-Americanism has increased over the last year.
There has always been a simmering resentment to the USA in this country; too
loud, too rich, too full of themselves, and so much happier than Europeans --
but it has become an epidemic. And it seems incredible to me. More than that,
it turns my stomach.

America is this country's greatest friend and our staunchest ally. We are bonded
to the US by culture, language and blood. A little over half a century ago, around half a million Americans died for our freedoms, as well as their own. Have we forgotten so soon? And exactly a year ago, thousands of ordinary men, women and children -- not just Americans, but from dozens of countries -- were butchered by a small group of religious fanatics.

Are we so quick to betray them? What touched the heart about those who died
in the Twin Towers and on the planes, was that we recognized them. Young
fathers and mothers, somebody's son and somebody's daughter, husbands,
wives, and children, some unborn.

And these people brought it on themselves? Their nation is to blame for their meticulously planned slaughter? These days you don't have to be some dust-encrusted nut job in Kabul or Karachi or Finsbury Park to see America as the Great Satan.

The anti-American alliance is made up of self-loathing liberals who blame the Americans for every ill in the Third World, and conservatives suffering from
power-envy, bitter that the world's only superpower can do what it likes without having to ask permission.

The truth is that America has behaved with enormous restraint since September 11.

Remember ... remember.... remember ... the gut-wrenching tapes of weeping
men phoning their wives to say, "I love you," before they were burned alive.
Remember those people leaping to their deaths from the top of burning skyscrapers.
Remember the hundreds of firemen buried alive.
Remember the smiling face of that beautiful little girl who was on one of the planes with her mum.
Remember ... remember ... And realize that America has never retaliated for 9/11 in anything like the way it could have.

So a few al-Qaeda tourists got locked up without a trial in Camp X-ray?
Pass the Kleenex ... So some Afghan wedding receptions were shot up after
they merrily fired their semiautomatics in a sky full of American planes?
A shame, but maybe next time they should stick to confetti.

AMERICA could have turned a large chunk of the world into a parking lot.
That it didn't is a sign of strength. American voices are already being
raised against attacking Iraq -- that's what a democracy is for.

How many in the Islamic world will have a minute's silence for the slaughtered
innocents of 9/11? How many Islamic leaders will have the guts to say that the
mass murder of 9/11 was an abomination? When the news of 9/11 broke on
the West Bank, those freedom-loving Palestinians were dancing in the street.

America watched all of that and didn't push the button.

We should thank t

August 2nd, 2004, 11:32 AM
Good stuff, I have read it before. Don't want to turn the forum into a political platform but the truth is many Americans have already forgot. It was amazing as be drove to a friends house on the Fourth of July week-end that the U.S Flags displayed were down about 75% from where they were a year ago. Guess I better not get started, wrong place, I just hope many Americans pull there head out of the sand and start looking around before it's too late. Glad you posted.


August 2nd, 2004, 03:23 PM
Jerry, Although I agree with your passion, I think it is important to mention how things have changed in the last 35-40 years. Muslim fundamentalist have been trained to hate us since they were in kindergarden. They do not think of themselves as liberal at all, they think of themselves as ultra-conservative, reinterpreting the Kuran. Sadly, this blood bath will not end in your or my life time. This is a battle that cannot be won; there are too many replacments willing to die for nothing.

I hesitated to comment on this at all, as I believe this should not be a political forum. However, I do not think my comments were supportive of either party. All Americans should talk about this subject, I just can't figure out why this has to be a subject that divides political parties?

Steve Foushee
Unique #4279389

August 2nd, 2004, 03:27 PM
I can't imagine why it would divide either. I guess our memories are too short. Or it always happens to the other guy....

August 2nd, 2004, 06:56 PM
Jerry, God bless America. I gave four years of my life defending this country and it's posts like this that don't let people forget. Let's hope for peace, love and Cobras for the world.;)

SA 428

August 2nd, 2004, 07:15 PM
The Srars and Stripes flies every day at my house. Enough said.

God bless America.

August 3rd, 2004, 06:33 AM
It is probably a good thing that I am not the president.

I would not have sent the troops or just a few cruise missles.

I would have leveled a few mountains and turned a lot of sand to glass.

Working on Starlight ( early night-vision ) kept me out of the military in 60's but have several family members who have and are serving.
